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Tips To Help Protect Your Santa Barbara Home From Thieves

1. Scan the exterior of your home.
Look for any areas of weakness or easy access points! For example: low windows, dark areas, privacy views from the outside in.

2. Use security lighting to deter intruders.
The more light around your home will lower the chances of someone trying to break in. Install at all entrances to your home and garage.

3. Use technology to keep an eye on things.
Visible security cameras are an essential part of stopping a break-in. Not only does this lower the odds of a break-in but also allows you the peace of mind of knowing your home is safe whether you are there or not.

To get the best home security cameras and home security systems installed in Santa Barbara, Montecito, Santa Maria, Lompoc, Goleta and all of Santa Barbara County call us today at 805.724.5050 or email

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