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Proper Home Security Camera Placement

Proper security camera placement is crucial for a successful home security system. By identifying high-risk areas, covering all entry points, and considering lighting and weather conditions, you can ensure optimal security coverage for your home.

Here are some tips for proper security camera placement at home:

Identify high-risk areas: Start by identifying the high-risk areas in and around your home, such as entry points, blind spots, and areas with valuable items.
Cover all entry points: Make sure to place cameras near all entry points, including doors, windows, and garage doors.

Cover blind spots: Place cameras in areas where intruders could potentially hide or move undetected, such as corners or dark areas.
Consider lighting: Make sure to place cameras in well-lit areas to ensure optimal visibility and image quality.

Cover the perimeter: If you have a large property or backyard, consider placing cameras along the perimeter to monitor for any suspicious activity.

Install cameras at eye-level: Install cameras at eye-level, making it easier to identify individuals captured on camera footage.

Avoid placing cameras in private areas: Avoid placing cameras in areas where people have a reasonable expectation of privacy, such as bedrooms or bathrooms.

Consider the weather: Make sure cameras are weather-resistant and can withstand extreme temperatures and weather conditions.

To get the best home security monitoring cameras, lighting and top home security systems installed in Santa Barbara, Montecito, Santa Maria, Lompoc, Goleta and all of Santa Barbara County call us today at 805.724.5050 or email

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